Data and knowledge move markets – so why can’t the UK produce a crop number?

January 3rd 2023

The market volatility is huge domestically and globally, yet there seems no urgency to help the UK agriculture industry with more timely releases of data or even an update on the future of ELMS. By the time you read this we will have traded almost six months of the 2022/23 grain year. I feel it’s […]

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Better buying, better selling – Unprecedented times

December 8th 2022

As the year draws to a close, the past 12 months have seen some of the greatest volatility in commodity markets in recent history. CPM reflects on the farmgate challenges and considers the strategies for mitigating risk. “I don’t have sleepless nights wondering whether or not I’ve sold at the right price.” By Charlotte Cunnigham, CPM Magazine […]

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With the current daily price volatility, are you really confident you are getting the best price for your grain?

December 1st 2022

With politics and Mother Nature being relatively impossible to predict, never has it been more important to have a farm marketing plan and make sure you are speaking to and dealing with the right people. As the world gets used to extreme market volatility, created by the ongoing logistical issues surrounding the war in Ukraine, […]

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Digital and precision developments are positive steps, but what else can be done to ensure we can feed the nation?

November 1st 2022

With the government having gone quiet on the topic of food security, and UK crop numbers delayed, farmers need to ensure they are not left on the back shelf. How many times have you sat wondering where and what you and UK agriculture will be in five or 10 years? It’s a question I ask […]

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Perhaps it’s time to be as dynamic as the market is, and consider trying some new things

October 1st 2022

There is no normal in the current market environment, and if you are marketing your grains, you need to be fully aware of the uncertainties ahead. Speaking to a contact in Australia earlier this week, I came to the conclusion that certainty and the grain markets are two words that struggle to be in the […]

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If the best global grain traders couldn’t have predicted recent market moves, how do you decide when to fix your grain price?

September 1st 2022

Cash flow payments, any storage or logistical restrictions, and knowing the real quality of your harvested grain as well as the gross value are key to making decisions around price. I was recently asked if marketing grain would ever be easy, says Openfield’s head of compliance, shipping and research, Cecilia Pryce. I did contemplate replying […]

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